I would like to begin with 2 seperate things:
1. I can not even tell you why my last post stoped in the middle of a sentence. It didn't do that when I was writing it.
2. I'mmm back! Back in the Praha. Made it home from Africa in basically one piece, plus three mysterious brusies, some intense sunburns, and minus half my stomach contents which are back in Madrid.... that will be explained later. But yes.. reporting live from my bed in Prague.
Ok so day 2 of Barcelona began cold and only got worse. SUCKED! we ate hostel breakfast and then went on a tour of some archetecture by Gaudi.... and it was really interesting, his buildings are so crazy and there are so many strange details. When I marry my rich doctor/chef husband maybe I'll have him build me a house like Gaudi's. ( yes I have been intercontinentaly traveling today and am basically beyond tired).
After the tour we went to a small place to grab some sandwiches, or long pieces of bread with cheese and meat melted on... so good! Then we decided to take the metro up to a park that was designed by Gaudi for a residential neighborhood, however he was the only person to ever live there, definition of epic fail. But it is the coolest park I have ever been to hands down. There are huge building things at the entrance but they have no sharp lines or angles... kinda reminded me of candy land like houses. If there were houses in candy land that is. Once you walk in there is a giant two lane staircase and in the middle are fountains and plants and sculptures of everything and anything. and you can explore this huge park and there are cave like things and pathways. It was so much fun just walking through and exploring everything!!!!!
ok hopefully there is a picture right here. Im trying new things... branching out if you will.
After the park we went to the park we went to the area of the city called Born and went to the picasso muesum, which I really enjoyed. I ha never seen a picasso in real life and I really like the blue period and the cubism period. And it was a good plan since by this time it was raining. So because of the rain we went back to the hostel and had some snacks and bonded with some people staying in our room, including Ben from Australlia, who I am in love with.
We asked the hostel guy for some good local spanish resturants since we didnt want to go very far. Unfortunately everything he told us was either closed or didnt exist..... but we found a small tapas place that was very good. and had some good ole BP along with many other good tapas.
Afterwards we found a small local bar and bonded for a while until I was tired and we went back and slept.
Morning meant leaving and since it takes us all a while to get things together we got to the bus station just in time to take the bus to the airport and hop a plane to Madrid.
PS. budget airlines are a good idea but they SUCK with bggage restrictions and open seating. I guess its ok since its cheap but I would like to not have to shove my purse in my bag that is already too full.
So we arrived in Madrid and found the hostel no problem. It was actually really nice and the keys were these watch things that opened all the doors and lockers. Pretty neat, and there was an open air atrium which was nice and tropical. I wanted to go to the Retitro, which is the central park of Madrid and quite honestly I think I like it better. We mainly just walked around it, played some pooh sticks, got ice cream, and then ended up in front of a huge statue and a big pool of water where people were boating. It was so beautiful, partly because it was dusk/night.
We walked around the rest of Madrid because beautiful buildings kept popping up all over the place. The weather was sooo nice and everything was within walking distance, so it was throughly enjoyable. We went back and changed, met with some of the other NYU kids that were in Madrid, and then went to get some dinner, which was more Tapas and some amazing Sangria. TAPAS ARE AMAZING by the way. sooo good. After dinner we found the other NYUers again and went to an Irish pub for the night. I know... Irish pub in Madrid, but it was where everyone was so we went, and it was pretty fun. Afterwards we walked around for a while, and by a while I mean that we didnt get back to the hostel until about 4am. Sleep never felt sooo amazing.
So I still have another day of Madrid and then Morocco to catch up on, but this week is going to be crazy because LAUREN is here!!!!!!!!!! But I'll try to get it all done before I leave for Dublin!!!
Sammie you are "in love" with everybody..... your pictures are wonderful. LOVE YOU! mom&dad