Dobry den!
First full day in Prague and I woke up to the most beautiful snow falling. How Poetic! Today we had a ton of logistical things to sit through, about culture shock, policys, ect. But we did get breakfast- apple danish and coffee! and lunch so it was all good. Then we went on "survival tours" and went to see the class buildings (amazing) and things like banks, post offices, 10 thousand pubs, the famous clock thing (pictured here!)and... COffee Heaven. A beautiful place of coffee goodness. OK it looked just like a little cafe, but it is called coffee heaven so I'm assuming the coffee tastes better than heaven, and hopefully it does because as I stated in an earlier post, if the coffee is bad I'm leaving.
So Prague is pretty beautiful... thats my conclusion. Even with all the snow
ps. in the past weekend, it has snowed more here in Prague than in the past 17 years. figures.
best part about snow. They have warnings out about falling iceicles. There is caution tape marking off areas close to buildings so you don't accidently get a puncture wound. I immediatly thought of Greys Anatomy.
Also. I have a phone! Thats right folks I'm like a real Czech citizen now! It's pay as you go but it's amazing and when you dial something wrong it speaks to you in Czech! This phone, plus the sim card and about 10 minutes of talking or abot 100 texts was 770 CZK. Thats about 37 dollars. Holla!
ps. I'm so pumped to learn Czech. (in case you didn't realize, which I'm hoping you should, Dobry den means hello)
They gave us this AMAZING chocolate cookie thing, I cant explain it well enough. Just try to imagine the most amazing thing ever. It's called Fidorka. I'm in love. Speaking of love, TESCO. This grocery store/ department store that has EVERYTHING you could imagine. For food shopping I bought the essentials like bread, peanut butter jelly, cheese, cereal, rice, pasta, sauce, and yogurt and some other things.... total was 262,20 CZK. That my friends is about 13 dollars. and I got a ton of food. A bag of ziti pasta was less than 1 american dollar. I got 2 things of the Czech equilivant to Raemon noodles and they were 3 CZK each. (19 CZK= 1 American DOllar) A loaf of bread: fifty cents. The most expensie food item was peanut butter comming in at a wooping 2 dollars. I am NEVER moving.
And- and I'm not bragging too much, we found our own way home on the metro and tram. It's only (full) day one.
Tomorrow begins Czech classes and some tours that you can take.
HAHAHA I just got a text from the phone company thing.. like you know when you first get a phone and it texts you... it's ALL IN CZECH. Now I need to go google translate to figure out what they are trying to tell me.
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