I love that when I go on the internet here a lot of the sites are in Czech and I like to pretend I know what they mean. Just like I pretend to know how to work my phone even though most of that is in Czech as well.
embarrassing moment of the day: trying to get my juice (Džus) open.
Proudest moment of the day: getting the džus open..with a knife.
most ridicilous moment:trying to put my alarm clock back on the table, but somehow missing table and dropping it on the ground.
So if you are thinking to yourself, wow that looks like an amazing spaghetti dinner Samantha must have made that... you are correct. I made the spaghetti part. We decided to stay in the other night and make dinner since our kitchen is bigger than my entire NYC apartment. It turned out amazing. I love "family" dinners here at Jaurisova.
prior to that we went to the Flora gym....where I found my husband. The most beautiful man EVER works there. This is no exaggeration. And I know I always say I am in love with people, but this is definitely for real. All I have to do is learn enough Czech to woo him to America. Excellent motivation to go to the gym like every hour. I will learn his schedule. This would only be creepy if we weren't meant for eachother, luckily, we are. point for the Czech Republic.
note- this apartment has heated floors- CZ +1
lets check out the score board:
Ceské republiky: 12 thousand
Ameriky: 1 (for Wegmans)
Picture Císlo dvá: outdoor concert near škola. I love this area because there are these outdoor concerts and vendors and you can hear it all around the square. I like feeling like I know where I am (for the most part) and feeling like this is my community and home for the next 4 months. I cant believe I haven't even been here a week, but I cant believe that a week ago tomorrow I left for Praha. Crazyness.
Today was sooo cold. After Czech lessons we went out for lunch at this total tourist place in Staroměstké Naměstí. It was amazing food, and my caj was amazing (tea) and they didn't charge me (and I got a fork). Then we went to a meeting about internships here in Prague. I don't think I want one. There is this thing where you can have english conversations with Czech children, but I'm not sure I could handle that...Greenwich Village middle school destroyed any urge I had at being a teacher, which began with nothing. I only went to the meeting because I am in love with the guy who runs the Prague Wanderer... our online magazine. He is so adorable. haha
ps. did you know that in the Czech Republic maternity leave is 3 years? guess who is having her children here... and no this is not related to the magazine man, I just happened to think of this amazing fact after I wrote that. but yeah... 3 years. Imagine how much vacation time I could get with 10 kids....
I am SOOO kidding about the 10 kids.
The other night we were invited to a students apartment for dinner.Her parents have an apartment here and so she had over a ton of people and made an amazing dinner. It was really nice to meet some great people from other buildings, since our building pretty much only hangs out with eachother and we don't talk to anyone else. (just kidding.. kinda). It's Rubin hall 8th floor all over again. haha but no I like meeting the different people here, and figuring out the weird connections we may have... thank you facebook.
Some of us then trecked it across the river to Mecca... this VERY AMERICAN club. It was fun but sooo different. Nobody touches eachother, which is nice when there are eurostrangers all around you, but it takes a couple of minutes to adjust. The bathrooms too... very different. And the whole smoking is allowed inside... welcome to my body lung cancer.
It's strange, you can drink on the streets, pee on the streets, smoke in buildings and resturants, and even smoke weed on the streets, but after 10pm if you are too loud you can be arrested. Point for originallity.
Took my first cab home and totally messed up giving them my address in Czech even though i know it. Fail. I don't want to talk about it.
Tomorrow we get to see Prague Castle and see an opera at the State Opera house. Prague is still amazing. Now I have to go stalk my future husband at the gym.
Na Shledanou!
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