Back. I've been back in reality for a week now and this is the first time I have been able to bring myself to write a final blogg entry, a final goodbye to Prague in a way. I have been trying to assimilate back into the world of english speakers and non-cobblestone streets, and slowley things have been "returning to normal", yet Prague has still managed to stay a part of me and my everyday life. Today was the first day I was able to bring myself to change the time on my computer clock back to normal, my facebook back into english (althouh I might switch back for the fun of it) and put American money back into my wallet and pretend like I didn't spend the last 4 months in a foriegn country. I love being home, being with my family and friends, being able to text without worrying about how many CZKs I am using, homemade food and the couch in my living room, but its still strange to be here. It's just a different feeling establishing a life abroad and then having to leave it, and you can't understand until it happens to you.
So let's see: back home, jobless for now except some babysitting jobs lined up, getting ready to find an apartment to move into in the fall, and getting ready for a new semester to begin. Catching up with everyone who I have been away from for so long and re-learning how to drive and make coffee. Pluses about being home- my piano and having coffee every morning, and afternoon and night. Minuses: not speaking czech and not being able to buy wine.
The trip home was one I would like to forget but probably never will. We ended out time in Prague with a trip to the largest club in Central Europe, Karlovy Lazne, after breaking out onto the balcony and lighting candels and enjoying wine together. We stayed at the club till about 4am, since we had to leave at 6am anyway, went home and packed away the last minute things (luckily noticing that I packed my passport at the bottom of my giant suitcase.) and headed out into the rain to load our luggage into the van and leave Prague forever. (ok hopefully not forever but close enough for now). At the airport I once again faced the fact that I overpack and my suitcase was over the weight limit even when you pay more. So there I was at 6:30am throwing things onto the floor from my suitecase and proceeding to layer my clothing, under both winter jackets. DIsaster. I made it to my first connection and then to my 9 hour flight across the ocean, in the middle of the afternoon on an asile seat, so sleep was not an option. After an awful movie and a pretty good German one, tons of food and multiple bathroom trips and a weird eye from the large polish man who wanted a conversation, we landed in Newark where I was a hot mess if I have ever seen one. No sleep in 24 over 24 hours, 2 winter coats and 2 heavy carry ons, and 2 giant suitcases that weighed more than 100 pounds together. there I was dragging all of this back through customs and waiting in line to recheck my bags to Rochester. Well when they told me it was overweight and I would have to pay I literly began to cry and they just checked them and let me through. thank god because there was about to be some intense problems. SO there I was chillin in the airport, everyone in shorts and sandles and Im in 2 winter coats basically crying becuase my phone doesnt work, I have no idea what time it is and my flight is delayed. Plus I missed my home, my Praha home. I was sitting next to a middle age business man on his way to florida with who I assume is his mistrss as she was young and hot and spoke very broken spanish english. SUCH a movie scene. Finally borded the plane and took my seat and began sobbing, for the remainder of the flight as well. On the smallest plane with maybe 40 people. The woman sitting across the asile from me handed me a gossip magazine to see if I wanted to read it, so you know I must have been a mess. I was feeling very displaced. Finally landed and now, Im back and it's like it never even happened.
I did look at my frist post ever and decided to update how my expectations came out 4 months later:
1. Coffee in Prague was just awful. there is no out for them at all. This feeling is felt by everyone- example in Mission Impossible 1 tom cruise mentions that the coffee in PRague sucks. I am not alone. Who would have thought I and Tom Cruise would agree on something.
2. Good bands from Prague: Well not too many but I was able to find a few. Ok only 1 that is Czech. Mandrage. I'm really sunburned right now and can't think very well so I guess I would call it punk rock but not really good charlotte style... better than that. Whatever it's in Czech. Also this band called Morandi, from Romania. Very good and very European, and in English! so I would call this a success.
3. Well in regards to finding a J-Lo buttload of fun- definite success. I probably haven't had this much fun in college ever, possibly based around the fact that I did basically no school work at all. thats another story I don't think I will talk about in public.
When it comes to things I didn't want to find, of which bad weather topped that list, lts just say didn't have so much good luck. possibly because the enire 4 months was cold and snowy except for a nice 2 weeks, absloutely not including the last day in Praha. Luckily there were no arrests and I even made it through customs with my licsence plate! SUCCESS!
So I guess this is it. No more fun adventures to blogg about, life is going back to normal. ROchester for the summer then moving back to NYC for good. Here's to this blogg and all of you who read it. Hope it was entertaining. We'll always have Prague...