08 May 2010

April Showers bring May flowers...except in Praha where it just rains MORE

SO this title was meant for the entire last week since it rained literly every day (každý den for those of you who prefer Czech), and I decided to wait to write until now, the first day it was actually nice out and didn't rain. Oops. But for the most part its true.

Nothing has really happened worth documenting in this here blogg. Last week of classes has led to a crazy write-papers-before-they-are-due weekend... and last weekend in the Praha. Began pretty boring, writing all day, however just got back from a birthday celebration which was great! 1 liter pivos and a stop off at Prague Cayote ugly led to a successful night. Now im back and looking to write some more of a paper so I don't have to later.... yes it is already 1am here.

Thought I would list some things I am so looking forward to in America, and some things I am definitel going to miss from the Česká republika.

American things I can't wait to return to:
- Garbage plates
-Bagels and coffee every morning
-runnig in the park at home
-Awful American TV
-speaking english
-radio stations
-Peanut butter and chocolate
-milk that doesn't last for weeks
-Real chicken wings (yay western NY)
-my couch
-my bed
-free water at restaurants
-Abbotts frozen custard- after Bill Grays
-leaf and bean/lovin cup
-late birthday cake hopefully my mom will make
-being able to read labels on food
-all my clothes I left behind
-my piano
-coffee. real coffee. including going out for coffee, coffee carts, early morning coffee. everything
-panda paws ice cream
-ice cubes
-big backyard
-herbal esscesnce shampoo
-my hair straightner
-plugs without adaptors
-free laundry/dryer sheets
-all the crap i forgot i own and probably isnt important but will be happy to see again

Things I will miss greatly about Praha
-being able to order wine at dinner
-buying wine for my house
-the old builings
-seeing a castle on the way to school and thinking nothing of it
-speaking czech
-cheap prices of everything
-sleeping in
-polite people.... for the most part
-bar barretta
-having google come up in czech
-making up czech words and having people understand
-being able to travel all the time
-using Kournas instead of dollars
-living on Jaurisova/praha 4/ the ghetto
-referring to everything as being communist
-riding public transportation to the airport
-bagels and coffee... which had semi ok bagles and not brewed coffee
-disko cookies and milka bars
-having the potrav downstairs and refering to it as the potrav
-late night study sessions in which no one studies
-getting carded on the metro and showing them my cesky pass
-19 CZK hotdogs in old town, and hot wine on the streets
-refering to 2pm as 14 o clock and things in celcius

I cant really think of anything else right now/i have to work on my paper. In other words its bittersweet leaving this country to return to America.

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