Friday was supposed to be beautiful so we planned an entire day of seeing the Prague we had missed from the snow and below zero tempetures it had been for the past 3 months. The day began with a trip to Tesco to get supplies, mainly bread cheese and wine, and head over to the Vltava for some paddle boating. I have been dreaming of the paddle boats all winter so this was it! we rented 2 boats for the 6 of us and headed out to the river, around an island and "parked" for a little picnic in the middle of the river, casting out greetings to the other friendly boat drivers, except the giant one that almost ran us over.
After a slight scare in which we had not realized how far our 2 small boats had drifted and almost went off the little cliff they had built in the water, we were back on track enjoying the sun and outdoors and keeping the boats on the water for over 2 hours instead of the accoustomd 1 hour that we paid for. Thanks again to the Český who didn't realize how long we were out there and only charged us the hour.
After the paddle boating part of the day we hiked it up Petrin hill to lay in the sun and enjoy the beautiful view that it has to offer. Including on the way up the communist memorial and some beautiful flowers. It's amazing how in the past week Prague has bloomed and become green.
At the middle, because making it to the top would have required more energy and less heat from the sun, we sat in the grass and basically napped and reminiscenced of the past 4 months spent here. (NOTE that I do have friends here I just don't write their names or post pictures of anyone else for privacy reasons. Apparently this blogg is read by people I don't really know so just in case... gotta beware of the internet creepers!!!)
It was incredibly enjoyable just sitting and napping on the hill in the sun for a while. It's times like that when I begin to miss Praha already.
The next day was just as nice with a little less heat so we went to the PRAHA ZOO!!! Th zoo was pretty cool, minus the fact that half the animals were sleeping or hidden in their cages. The ice cream was cheap and good! and For every annoying screaming child there was a cute ne trying to eat a hot dog to balance it out!
After the zoo we went to Letna park to find the beer garden, however it was then the weather fell apart and it began to rain, and we couldn't find it so decided to go back home to escape the rain. We did see the famous skate park that is behind the metronome which replaced the Stalin statue.
what was especially great about this weekend besides everything I mentioned was the fact that it was nice in Prague and we were able to do all the things we have been wanting to see in Prague since arriving in January. And there is still 2 full weeks to explore even more.
However today is reserved for being a responsible student and writing my 3 papers, studying for finals, and translating a recipe into Czech. Good thing I made an entire pot of coffee! (also should go running as my first international race is in 1 week!!) gonna be another busy day in Praha!
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