Last Sunday, last Sunday here, I ran in the Prague International Marathon fun run thing that started and ended in Staré Město.
On Saturday CLarke and I went to went to the marathon expo in Holšovice and then went to meet Chris and Caitlin at the beer garden, this really great place in Letna Park that has beer and overlooks the entire city, as you sit outside at picnic tables. Great view. Before getting there we got a little lost, and by that I mean we had no idea where we were and an hour of walking later finally found it.
Sunday was the race and It was a really short race but was actually really fun and was a nice tour of old town and the river. I met some interesting people including an american teaching english in Austria. PLUS... got a medal. Yup. the race was only 4.6km and I got a really cool medal with the Praha logo thing on it and the neck part is the color of the flag. It's amazing how much Czech pride I have gained being here. Oh yeah... nothing about missing prague.
After the race we went on a farewell boat cruise that the school hosted, complete with hot and cold food and wine on tap. It was so nice out and sunny and It was really great to spend time with everyone that we went to school with (well maybe not everyone but most people) and have a nice boat ride with the Jaurisova sešters.
Monday started the boring week of finals. Everything went fine I guess, I just wasn't really into studying at all so...I have no idea how it went. My Czech final, however, went amazingly! výborne! I got an A and I'm going to really miss taking Czech. I surprised myself being able to learn a language that quickly and well enough to have a conversation, read signs and listen in on conversations on the tram! Plus I had the best teacher who I am so going to miss! By tuesday night all my finals were over and things were looking up! Packing began and we shared some wine and conversatio on the balcony with candles and blankets. A perfect night.
Wednesday I went to little school with Clarke, who has been teaching little kids, like 6 year olds, english. They showed me everything they have learned and we sang row row row your boat. They were so adorabele!!!! After that we all went to this place called U sudu, which is a medevil themed resturant, which has AMAZING potato pancakes!!! After we went on a walk through Václavské náměstí and old town and took pictures of everything you would never notice living there. Includig the Jan Palach memorial that I never thought to go look at but is actually really beautiful.
Im so gonna miss Praha!
That night we went out to this little Czech place popo Cafe and got drinks and just enjoyed the company...and took artsy pictures!
After drinks we went for the typical and last Smažený sýr at our favorite place and then went on a new adventure to this palce cross club, which is actually probably one of the coolest places I have been in Prague. There are all these tunnels and stairs that lead to different rooms, like a fooseball room dance rooms, bars and there is even food, like the syr! All the seating is old like train and airplane seats and everythig is made of twisted metal and lights. We found a really cool place to sit above the ground seats on these two balcony like areas where you basically have to crawl to your seat because the ceiling is so low and you can look over the edge and watch everyone.
Perfect second to last night. Today is all about finishing the packing, last Czech meal, and staying out all night to catch the sunrise and then leave for the airport. Im gonna end here before I get all reminicient. I'll save that for a layover....
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