First entry in my 20s! wow now that I wrtie that I can't believe 1. that Im in my 20s and 2. that I have a blogg in my 20s. gross. ha actually while Im sitting here at the kitchen table, drinking instant coffee and eating toast made in a fry pan I like to pretend Im Carrie Bradshaw writig for some important publicaion. Whatever. This post was requested so its not a total waste! (ps. Làska means love... I gave myself a tattoo last night... explaination to come)
so Birthday celebration was a total succuss!Thursday during the day I got lunch with some people in old town square where they had a bunch of food stands out for Carnival. We got this pzzia thing called Lángos. I think its Hungarian. Its basically fried dough that isnt as sweet with ketchup and cheese. its pretty good... definitely different. its interesting how much ketchup they use here but charge you for it in resturants and even McDonalds. That night before we went to our favorite Mexican place Fosil and had a great time! Perfect way to turn 20! Free drinks for the birthday girl!!! Which is the way it totally should be at every place all the time. The waiter...who spoke prague... loved us. whats not to love about our Jurisova group of love (or làska). afterwards went back home and hung out a little,breaking brooms and internet chatting. you know,standard stuff. There is this website called chatroulette.... dont go there. Strange people! Anyway...
The next day... aka the real birthday... February 19th... I celebrated like any student would. Slept in! Amazing!especially for me who never gets any sleep!!! Then I made myself my signature breakfast of potatoes eggs peppers onions all mixed togethr in no certain pattern. AMAZING. The day you get to try this creation is the day I become your best friend!! ok exaggeration,but I really like it. I ate breakfast and watched Valentines Day movie...which of course I loved because its a movie about my second favorite holiday on my 3rd favorite holiday!
After that me and my lovely roommate went to the square to go to this little tourist outdoor shop thing and walked around Václavské náměstí for a while and I had my first smažený syr sandwich... which is a staple here in Prague. Basically its fried cheese in a bun with ketchup, mustard and mayo.. or any combination of those. Sounds revolting right? nope. amazing.
I, probably from the influence of my mother, wanted to cook my birthday dinner. I made garlic pasta with veggies and chicken stuffed with spinich and cheese... and it turned out amazing!!! thats right watch out Julia child I just might be the new best chef ever. haha just kidding.
we decided to head to Bed Lounge and see how that place was.It looked really promising... like Duvet in NYC...beds for chairs and a very modern setting. It was a nice atmosphere... kinda small,white beds where you have to take your shoes off, big pillows, music, free chips, funky glasses. Thats about where the charm ended. The drinks were very overpriced and not that great and the staff wasn't so helpful. After 1 drink we decided to leave and try something else. we went to Václavské náměstí and sat down in a couple places but being a tourist area everything was overpriced so we got on the tram and headed back to Praha 4 to find some local Czech places. Ended up at this really cute bar with a great waitress, cheap good drinks and... THE OLYMPICS!!!! Thats right happy birthday Samantha you finally get to watch theolympics in Prague. Best birthday present ever!!! I saw curling and some of the CZ VS.Latvia hockey game! It was great watching that with Czech people and cheering when the Czechs scored! It's interesting watching the olympics in another country because I bet that game wasnt even aired in the USA. and now im cheering for 2 countries instead of just one.
When we got back (after i stole a food sign) just hung out in the tv room for a while. all in all a perfect birthday!
Saturday is the day Jaurisova 6 fell apart. every washing machine was being used and there was no hot water until 9pm. awful. we all basically sat around in pajamas all day.Basically best day of my life. I left once to get a bottle of wine at the corner store. I felt a little bad since the weather was so nice but its like that today too so Ill venture outside today.
I also stayed up to watch Apolo race live last night... and I only made it to the quaterfinals... at 4am.Be happy Americans you are only 3 hours ahead instead of 9. I saw him race though so mission accomplished.
Suns out in praha... gonna go enjoy it!!
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