Definition of Sudy Abroad: never study. Put off homework to write in blogg and put pictures up on facebook and plan your next adventure.
sounds perfect to me, and exactly what Im doing right now. (ps. study abroad isn't on urband dictionary yet... it brings you to slutty abroad, which is not exactly the same thing)
So I'll beging with random trip to Kraków Poland. Another lovely travel experience...traveling on a beat up communist train with no heat, no signs, and seats that detach from the wall... which in this case was not supposed to happen. Luckily after switching cars about 5 times we were each able to get a bench to ourseles to "sleep" while the train barraled across the Czech Republic and Polish country side at an epic 5 Kilometers an hour, stopping every 10minutes or so to check what was sparking below the train. Have I mentioned the heat didn't work.
soooo a mere 7 hours later we made it to Kraków, where it was below zero again and snowing. As usual. I have come to not expect any more than that. However this trip we were able to find our hostel much sooner than we did in Berlin. Mosquito Hostel... name sounds sketchy, at first glimsp it may appear that the door leads to rape central, but ifyou make it to the second floor where the hostel itself is (right above the urologist lab) it is actually really nice and the people are really friendly. This was definitely a legit hostel experience, 12 beds in a room with tons of other travelers, lockers for bags and a communal bathroom. I actually really enjoyed it.
I ate breakfast at polska McDonalds. Not one ofmy finer moments, but we were hungry. Ordering in Poland is hard. I accidently ordered 2 hash browns somehow.... which turned out totally fine!!
That first morning we went to Auschwitz Concentration camp. To be honest it was not what I expected at first. It was very eerie and emotional after hearing everything over the years about the holocoust... seeing it in person is definitely an experience I am lucky to have and something I wish everyone could have as well. most of the buildings and crematoriums still stand, and it really makes you think about everything and how lucky we all have it. We were also able to go to Auschwitz II Birkenau- which was the largerst death camp during that time. It just amazes me that there could be so much hate in a few people that they could just kill innocent people without even thinking it was wrong. Anything I could even write here would not be able to do this justice, and I feel that most people don't take it seriously, when it absolutely should be. I'm gonna leave it at that.
After that We ate the most amazng authentic perogies at this adorable authentic polish place. AHHHHH they were sooo good. I would totally move to Poland just for the food. So good. We then went exploring a little in Stare Miasto (way to copy prague poland!), saw the little outdoor shops, saw someone getting their wedding pictures taken (so cute!) and then went to a little polish pub to warm up. Had authentic Polish hot Piwo (that would be beer. In polish their w are pronounced as V. its actually funny to read the signs!)It was... not my favorite thing ever. They added like cinnamon to it, and a straw. It was an experience thats for sure. Whatever it was only 6,50 PLN.... aka about 2 american dollas. WHAT WHAT! how amazing are these east european currencies???!!! haha. So then we went to another bar to just waste some time since it was way to cold to go outside for long periods of time. We did buy some snacks and hang out at the hostel for a while, watching some Califorincation with a bunch of forgien people, some who were playing monolopy. And got some free mulled wine! Afterwards we went out to this dance club... which was actually tons of fun! people in Europe dance so much differently than in the states, and listen to interesting music, such as backstreet boys at a dance club. I love it!!!
Note- Disco Pogo. song from berlin... top of the charts in Germany. Check it out (Czech it out hahahaha!!!)
So next day we check (czech...last time) out of the hostel and store our bags and head to the miasto for a free walking tour. Anyone who travels anywhere... always check out the free walking tours. they are usually the best and are offered in so many places. So we meet our guide... who was interesting. Very perverted and a psychology student at a local university. He was a great guide though... taught us all about Krakow, which I had no knowledge about at all. Its actually a really beautiful city... even covered in snow. Halfway through the tour we took a little break in a cafe and he told us all these amazing places to eat... and also that he was at the same dance club we were at last night... on the pole....till 5am. no comment. We finished the tour in the jewish quater of Krakow.. which is much smaller now and a little beaten up... but beautiful in its own way.
After the tour we went to another amazing perogi place... where we tried a bunch of different kinds and I TRIED LAMB for the first time... and quite possibly the last time as well. not so great. After we went back to the square and Lisa and I did some shopping for whatever we could find.... since everything was so cheap. I only took out 60 dolla bills for the whole weekend and I just wanted to spend it to not get screwed over by the exchange rate back to CZK. So we found some nice stuff and met up with the boys again for some dessert... which was ok but everything was covered in rasins, which I hate. Then we met up with another NYU girl and had some dinner and drinks and wasted some time in a warm building until train time.
Train ride back.... basically just as bad... but maybe a little warmer. Clarke was able to unscrew the light and take out the lightbulb so we could sleep.... however we were waken to have our tickets checked and then later for passprts and then around 5am because it was the commuter train and we went from 2 people to 7 people in our litte room. very unenjoyable.
Prague is definitely home now... coming back and hearing Příští zastávka on the tram. A wonderful homecoming!!!
PS. I want to bring a clock home from prague. I was trying to think of something that I could have forever and be able to remember my trip... like how old people bring home statues and weird things... well I want a cool czech clock. I think it's a great idea.
I would write more but tonight is Lisa's birthday so we are going out! Im going to try and write a little more from now on... so Ill try to write tomorrow.
hope you don't mind I always read your blogs, you are a truly gifted and humurous writer, hope you will always write. Phyllis Karlin (Greg's mom)