So its currently 16:33. for those of you who like me still have issues with this its 4:30pm and all the reading I planned on doing between classes aparently doesn't exist which is good and bad. good because obviously who likes reading for class, bad because now I have tons of free time and nothing really to do. I know what you are all thinking... you're in Prague go explore. Well all you thinkers it's cold, and the dimensions I could explore in this time would be everything I already know... so Im gonna update my little blogger.
ps. this keyboard is so cool becasue its a czech keyboard. however I dont know how to work it and it makes it harder to type because there are so many letter on each key... here we go.
Since I just wrote last night and nothing has happened since except dinner at a cute club for the roommates birthday and a shower this morning before class... this is more or less a Samantha's thoughts entry. This is my "journal" of the trip so Im going to try to remember right now all the things I have been thinking about over the past almost month that I have been abroad.
firstly, there are many things that I miss about America. Not deathly miss like send me home now... but a few things that you would normally take for granted until you are say living in the Czech Republic. For example dunkin donuts/ coffee places where when I order I get what I want. I guess the Czech's just really aren't into brewed coffee, so my Prague goal that states I will find a great coffee place... Im removing it.
I miss showers big enough to move in, bathrooms that include toliets and sinks so you dont have to swittch rooms, bagels on every corner, NYC in general, nursing classes (ok thats not something most people take for granted, but I do!), chocolate chips, my hello kitty toaster, ALL MY CLOTHES, SHOES, ok now this is things I miss in general, like sunshine, being able to text my friends, being in the same time zone as 90% of people I know, hulu/american tv, going to the movies in english.
This is actually rediculous. (If thats not spelled right I don't care. I have never been able to spell it.). I get to live in a forigen country for 4 months. Don't get me wrong this is the best experience I could ever get and I am so glad I chose to come over here by myself and figure it all out. Just sometimes some hommade cookies or straight up american food might be a little nice.
Something I don't miss howver- automatic toliets. No toliet is automatic and I love that.
I just realized how much I actually talk abouth bathrooms on this blogg....
This thing is kinda fun sometimes. Makes me want to apply myself and write for like the school paper or something. I wont though. Not now at least. this is break semester for samantha and I plan on doing the bare minimum work... which is actually the opposite of my "real life" so im gonna go all out in the slacking off in school department.
This is most definitely my randomest entry yet. I dont really know what else to tell you.
OH WAIT. MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 10 DAYS!!!!!!!! finally. I feel like I have been waiting soo freakin long for my birthday to come again. A year is a really long time to wait. I think we are going to go to Zurich, and hopefully 2 beautiful people from Florence will be there as well!
note- in CZECH they have name days and when its your name day you get to celebrate. Samantha is not one of those so I told my czech teacher I would just pick another name and celebvrate that. I haven't picked yet... I think I'll pick based on the date...any suggestions?
How am I supposed to end these things? I usually run out of time and have to just post and not worry... but now I dont know. I guess good bye for now?
Haha! They could have been guests at the wedding... They were conessss!
ReplyDeleteAnd I think it's spelled ridiculous.
love you and miss you!