For those of you who assume Im on a 4 month vacation- just know that I still have to do things such as dishes... especially after our dishwasher blew up last week. So I'm writing this entry with nasty dry dish hands. However will I find a husband if I have dish hands before my 20s? Plus somehow all our coffee mugs disappeared. Im sure they are located somewhere in the many rooms of this apartment... and hopefully will magically appear in the sink or cupboard soon. COffee mugs are like socks around here.
now that I officially sound like an old maid...This is my last entry as a teenager. Not that I have felt like a teenager for the past 3 years at least. Once you have to buy your own toliet paper and milk, the thought of being in your teens is revolting. Actually the minute you move to NYC basically being anything less than an adult in your 20s doesn't exist unless you are 12 and living with your parents. The point I am trying to make here is I'll be 20 in about 24 hours and that rocks my socks (or coffee mugs... i hope someone understood that). It is said tht by 23 your body begins deteriorating... bring it on. Lucky for me I have my bath and body works lotion! (miss about America: bath and body works foam soap)
Real reason for writing (besides my mother saying i need to update even though nothing really interesting happens in my life) is the disasterous hot chocolate escapade I have been on for the past month. So being that I dont speak fluent czech and I had to buy food... I ended up not purchasing hot chocolate mix but bittersweet coco powder. you can imagine what happened when i tasted that for the first time. so ever since then I have been experimenting to try and make it taste better.... ultimately failing each and every time. So I decided to try something new... as suggested by my lovely friend Lauren via skype... and this seemed brilliant so I had high hopes.
the Mléko here blows. it is really sweet and smells weird. Seriously.. I like to make the comparission to cereal milk. You know... after you eat all the cereal and all the leftover milk is there an it tastes sweet since the cereal melted into it? (ps. I never understood milk in cereal... who came up with that?) anyway... thats what the milk here tastes like. So Lauren suggested using the sweet milk with the bittersweet coco to make hot chocolate. Shes such a smart cookie! So I had high hopes and microwaved the nasty Mléko and added the nasty tasteless powder and took a sip. disgusting. tasted like nothing and some powder. So I added sugar and it tasted an inch better. That is a picture of the cup and the bag of sugar (cukr).
So Im writing this, with my dish hands, sipping nasty milk powder and sugar in the last mug in our kitchen dreaming about bath and body works foam soap. Happy last day of being 19!
on a high note... going to Istanbul march 4th!!!!! Finally a temperature over 25 degrees F!!!!
Evr'y gal in Constantinople
Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople
So if you've date in Constantinople
She'll be waiting in Istanbul
Thats right... I'll be in Istanbul not Consantinople. Never gets old.
I should mention that My lovely roommate pointed out that everything I write in these entries is spelled wrong. I had to explain that thats what is so charming about my entries. I know I can't spell. Im in nursing school not spelling school. I think it adds character... and the fact that I can't spell or figure out spell check adds to that. I apologize for the spelling. Guess I'll never get this published now!
Haha hopefully this weekend will produce some good stories and interesting things to wirte in my bloggy. I plan on exploring Praha a little... so lets hope its interesting!
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