We got to Florenc bus station and bought tickets to Kunta Hora, then had some time. Right next to the bus station was a little flea market type thing, which I will never enter again, and not only because they were selling guns, tasers, and brass knuckles. It was basically the most sketchyest set of tents I have ever walked through so warning to all of those who plan on exploreing the land around Florenc bus station. Got on the bus and made it to our destination. Boring part.
Better part: Now we were officially in the middle of nowhere. I pretended to know exactly where we were and what the plan was, but I honestly had no idea whatsoever what we were going to do. I went in to the information center and asked if the woman spoke english, to which she rudely replied no. Thats when I knew it was going to be an interesting afternoon. I started leading eveyone though a small basically abbandoned town and ended up at a small pizza place for some much needed lunch. NOTE OF IMPORTANCE: they don't speak english in Kunta Hora. Hardly any at all. This was good in some respects, I got to really practice my Czech and somehow succeeded. I was able to order our meals and sit outside and everything without using any english. Yes. I was very proud of myself. If only more people in Prague would speak Czech to us english speakers maybe I would be fluent by now.
Ok not fluent but closer.
Anyway I brokenly asked the waitress how to get to this bone curch and she said we needed to take a bus. Great. back to the bus station. I tried my hardest to speak Czech to the same woman who earlier had rejected my sad attempt at communication, and this time she was very friendly and was patient with my Czech and we somehow figured out what eachother was talking about and we made it on the bus. Now the question was what stop to get off at. The bus driver found me and my Czech especially amusing, especially when in Czech I told him I spoke very bad Czech but I was studying to be better. So after a good laugh he told us where to get off, and finally we made it to the Bone church!
Smaller than I expected quite honestly. But very intriguing. The Sedlec Ossuary, a smll church from the 1400's or something, was decorated with the corpuses of 40,000 people. ALL the decorations are made of bones, including a chandelier and a crest on the wall.
I really enjoyed looking at all the bones and using my Anatomy and Physiology class knowledge to pick out which was which, which was quite hard. Back to the books.
So that was basically the bone church. It was really interesting to see, probably more to me who loves bones (don't take that in a creepy way, I'm a nursing student). So back on a train this time and return to Praha. It was nice to show them some Czech country side and a very small town that is absolutely NOT touristy at all. No Englih. definitely an experience.
We then did some souvineer shoping, yes I did buy a Czech me out shirt that I plan on wearing in Rochester, and got a drink at a small resturant near the square.
For dinner I really wanted to try one of the resturants in staré město and they wanted one last Czech meal so we went to staroměstská restaurace, where I saw my future husband. The most ADORABLE Czech man EVER. I kid you not. He was always smiling and seemed to be in the best mood. I am basically in love with him and plan on walking past that restuarace every day for the rest of my time in Prague. We literly stayed in there through 2 bottles of wine and basically until closing so I could watch him more. Just saying, our bi-lingual babies would be cute.
Then I showed them the sights at night, because they are just as if not more beautiful at night.
And the mother and the Aunt left in the Morning. Hopefully with a bag of duty free crispy M&Ms from the airport to await me in America. (since they stoped selling them in the states in 2006- bad move USA.)
The next few days that followed were filled with homework catchup, and amazing weather that still couldn't get me out of my bed, but I did open the windows. Also signed up to run the Prague mini-marathon in May, aka a 5K. Really excited actually because not only get to run the race but get a shirt and medal. I haven't run a race in a while so I am looking forward to this, however after running on a tredmil all winter and then hitting the streets of Praha have taken a toll on my Quads. Ghetto Prague is quite hilly. Wish me luck!!!