I want to begin with my favorite conversation I had this weekend in the lovely english speaking country of Ireland. It occured in the Jameson Distilary with a large American with 2 piercings in his chin:
Large American: (after hearing us speak) oh Americans! its been so long since I have heard that!
Me: haha oh how long have you been here?
Large American: not here but I have been in the UK for 25 days. what about you?
Me: over 3 months, but in the Czech Republic, so hearing english is something new
Large American: oh
Why did I find this funny? Because they speak the same language in the UK as they do in America.. so mr. Large American a 25 day vacation in an english speaking country is nothing much to brag about to someone who hasn't been in an english speaking country in 3 months.
Anyway Ireland was absolutely amazing. I loved every minute of being there and can't wait to return. Still haven't found my irish husband so I have to return for another go.
I arrived in Dublin around midnight on thursday after a disaster with a delayed takeoff and the worst flight ever. All I wanted was sleep but no, instead I got a bumpy flight and a very nice but talkative frenchman who lived in North Dakota for a while. Once getting off the plane I found something that I haven't seen since America. EVERYTHING was in English. Signs, announcements, TV, information...it was like a dream come true. I was able to ask how to get into the city and get directions to my hostel no problem. I was the most excited person in the world and Im pretty sure the bus driver thought of me as insane. Anyway made it to the hostel. It was probably the worst place I have ever stayed. I just needed somewhere to sleep for the night, and I almost got that. It was only 8 euros for the night so im ok with that, but it was literly a couple of springs with a sheet over it and a piece of paper for a pillow. I was also sleeping in a room with 20 other people and had to go downstairs to get to a bathroom. I don't wish to talk about it anymore. But I had the feel for real backpacking.... and I guess if its that cheap why not but don't expect your back to feel good after that!
Firday I made it to the other hostel which looked much much better, and probably had less STDs as well. My Aunt's plane was late so I just chilled in the lobby for a while and talked to some fellow travelers and compared stories. Thats why I love hostels... you meet so many interesting people. Once she arrived we left our luggage and got some breakfast aka BAGELS AND COFFEE. Western breakfast rocks!
We got train tickets and borded a train to Dún Laoghaire, which is a town along the coast. It was absolutely beautiful. The day started out cold and rainy but by the time we began walking it was a little chilly but the sun was shinning and everything looked perfect. We walked along the water and saw some countryside and rocks and everything was just so Irish I loved it.
We past by the James Joyce Museum, Sandy cove in which people were swimming and apparently they do all year round, and some other beaches and rocky cliffs. there were all these paths leading down these grassy hills to the waterside. You know everything you hear about Irelnd.... it's true. We ddn't see a lot of the countryside or the mountains but it was still really magical.
We went into this castle in a little town nearby and were given a tour by an actor from the viking time. He tried to cut off my hair. not funny. Ok it was actually really funny and enjoyable. Got lunch in the town and I had the best soup and Irish soda bread which is my favorite! and....we had....CHAI! and not caj like tea in the CZ but actual chai latte as in leaf and bean style. Made my entire day.
We took the train back and went to the hostel for a little to get ready to find somewhere for dinner. Since it was good friday everything was closed and no where was serving alcohol. We ended up findng a legit irish resturant near temple bar and had a great Irish Meal. I had the best mushroom soup I have ever had, partically because it didn't really taste like mushrooms, and I had cabbage, boxty pancakes whihc are basically potatoe dumplings, and more soda bread. and FREE TAP WATER which also excited me probably a little too much. After dinner we walked around a bit but everything was closed so we just went back and got some much needed sleep.
The next morning brought some of our own directed sight seeing of Dublin including Trinity college, Dublin Castel, St. Patricks and some other churches, a park where we became friends with some spanish men traveling, and some old viking gates and whatnot. After a lunch of bagel sandwiches (I couldnt get enough of these!) we went to... get tattoos. Thats right. Sam has been inked. We both got Irish Tattoos, My Aunt a celtic knot on her back and I got a shamrock thing on my side. i know. cliche getting a green shamrock tattoo but I love it so there.
After the inking session we headed over to the Guiness factory to find it had closed for the day, so to cure the depression that set in we found ourselves bonding at one of ireland's oldest pubs and having my first Guiness. So much better than expected to have the real stuff. We went for dinner and shared a yummy pizza and dessert and headed off to an authentic irish pub for the true Irish Experience. It was fun...had a great time scoping out the irish bartenders and watching a guy dressed as a pear walk around.,.. no comment. It was a good night.
The next day we got up and headed over to the Guiness factory and finally made it inside. It was huge and something I didn't know was that Guiness the beer was the creator of the GUiness book of records of whatever its called. So cool. So the factory itself was really cool and I learned a lot about how the beer is made and everything, and we learned how to pour the perfect pint. Thats right I have a certificate and everything... professional!
The top of the factory is a bar and it has the most amazing view in the entire world. The view was especially great being that the sun was shining and everyone in Ireland is in a good mood all the time so... well basically perfect.
After the Guiness place we went to the Jameson Whiskey Distillary. It was really expensive to get a tour so we went to the cafe and I had an irish coffe with Jameson. I don't like it. Whiskey is not for Samantha. But it seemed like a cool place anyway and by that point I was still just really excited to be in Ireland so it worked for me!
So after that I had to catch my plane home, but all in all it was one of my favorite trips hands down. I don't know what it is about Ireland but I am and have been and always will be in love with it and I can't wait to go back!!!
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