So post morocco and pre dublin was the week that everyone in the world visited Prague.
Beginning with LAUREN!!!! who flew over from London with her two friends from over there. I met up with them on Saturday morning and we did the New Europe free tour.
-Plug for them: its a really great tour! I had been on it before, and actually will later in this post but it is really informational and they do a good job telling the same sarcastic bad jokes on every tour no matter the tour guide. I think thats my favorite part is that the training has to inlude a specific script that you have to memorize and it includes all the same awful jokes. I bet they don't think people will go on it more than once and notice, but for those of us who have officialy been on it over 3 times... we know. I wonder if I should write them a letter or something. I think I at least deserve some compensation or my picture in the brochure for this little advertisemet. The tour was good but for those of you planning on taking it, Czech history is pretty intense and there is a lot of it, so don't expect to be a "czechspert" as they will tell you you have become. I'm not even a czechspert and I've been here for 3 months, so Dear new Europe, might want to drop that joke.
Anyway: After the tour I got to see a bit of the Prague half marathon, which was really exciting and while I knew I couldn't run it because of spring break, I kinda wish I had. New life goal. Run the Prague full marathon. Maybe after I graduate. NO I will after I graduate. I better start saving money now... oh and maybe running more. If I start training now maybe I'll be ready in 2012.
We went to paneria to get some lunch and then walked around old town for a little, showing them NYU, getting Gelato (ok while I got gelato) and watched the clock go off. I swear I don't know how people live in prague for so long and don't burn down the clock. Then we headed back to my apartment so I could finish some homework and the girls could shower and relax a little.
For dinner we hit up Pizzaria West for some yummy dinner and desert, and then we headed over to Václavské náměstí to meet up with a friend from Madrid too. We found this really cute bar that I have never been to or seen before and got wine and talked for a while. It was nice and low key which is definitely what I needed since I was still tired from spring break. Actually today is the first day of rest I have had since before spring break. ugh.
Day 2, aka Sunday was day that Sam had to do some homework and get her presentation for the next day ready, so the girls went exploring around Prague. I met them for dinner at U Golema, this amazing Czech restaurace in the Jewish Quarter of Prgue. I went all Czech on them and had garlic soup and goulash for dinner, and it was absolutely AMAZING.
something I noticed- I try and speak Czech to people in resturants and stores and they answer back sometimes in Czech and sometimes in english. Is that because I reek of America, my czech is really bad and they just cant listen to me speak it anymore? or, and Im hoping this is the answer, they can tell I speak english and want to practice? whatever the reason its not helping my czech to improve and since I plan on leaving this country fluent and forget all my English, I need people in this country to start coopperating. After dinner I took them to one of my favorite bars to try Becherovka, a good Czech Liquor, and then went back to my place.
Monday meant class for Sam while everyone was out exploring. Cultures presentation went well, had a good discussion and now have a lot of research to do on AIDS. Czech class killed me as we found out what was going to be on the midterm wednesday. I don't want to talk about it. After class I found Lauren and her friends and My friend Andrew from high school and his friend who is studying in Denmark with him and we all went back to my Apartment. I had to leave them all again to go to class, but do the math and you will see that therewas 5, yes 5, visitors staying in my room. It became a bit crowded but was a bonding experience if nothing else.
Ater class I met the boys for dinnerin Mala Stanà and then we went to grab their stuff and headed home, met the girls who had gone to sader and they all slept while I did some homework. Lauren had to leave at 7am, and Im sad she is gone but SOOOOO glad I got to see her and meet her friends!
That day Andrew and company went out while I did some studying and homework and fixed the fridge problem that I mentioned in an eariler post, And Then go to class. Luckily that day I recieved a PACKAGE from America with cookies, coffee, peanut butter and my white sweater that had been left behind. I went home and prepared myself for a night of Studying for my midterm. It happened but with many distractions in the true Jaurisova fashion, and so by 3am I gave up studying and just got up earlier instead. I was a complete zombie the next day but I think I did ok on my test. I'll find out wednesday hopefully. Later that night everyone here went out with my friends and introduced them to the beer factory. I'm pretty sure everyone had fun.
Thursday we got up and made some pancakes, however there was no syrup in this country so we had to make strawberry jam work. They went to the jewish quarter and I went to meet up with another friend from Madrid who was in town, and went on half of the free tour....again. same bad jokes.I should sign up to be a guide.
Then I met back up with the boys and introduced them to Smažený sýr and my favorite coffee place.
After all of this, I packed my bags and took a night plane to Dublin.... so its been about 2 weeks, and no sleep. Get ready for one Irish weekend filled with no sleep and then this blog is all caught up. All you reading this owe me! ;)
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