The is the post about Africa. Thats right I would like to stress that I finished out my spring break in the 3rd continent this trip and my 4th all together. Even though I have never been to countries in the heart of Africa, I have a feeling that Morocco is NOTHING like the rest of Africa. It reminded me a little of Turkey, being that their cultures are so similar and its the same religion, but it was also extremely different, especially being that I felt a lot safer in turkey than I did in Morocco. But the good news is I made it out alive and now I'll just begin at the start...
We arrived in Morocco in the early afternoon, and luckily I was beginning to recover from my little sick episode in Madrid. My stomach still hurt for about the next entire day, but at least I was able to walk, wasn't throwing up, and could keep down food in small amounts.
SO we get to the airport and take almost a half hour trying to locate the only atm in the entire airport, and then head outside to get a cab into town. The cab actually wasn't that expensive. The conversion rate was about 8 MAD to 1 USD, and a cab from the airport was 50 Dirhums each. 1st thing we noticed, the roads were a hot mess. there are dividing lines, however they dont mean much. There are traffic lights, but if you think you can make it, then they dont really matter either. Also- bikes and moter bikes are big there, and by big I mean everyone rides them. And by everyone I mean entire families, on 1 bike. Thats right. If you don't know me then I am very nervous in some traffic settings from past unlucky experiences, so the entire drive I was grabbing onto everyone in the backseat hoping that we wouldn't hit one of the scooters carring a mother father and their 2 small children. We made it to the little parking area and aguide led us to the Riad we were staying in...and its a good thing he did because to get there we had to go through a maze of small dirt streets inbetween houses and dodge scooters and walk across a bridge of moldy wood and we finally made it. The Riad was really beautiful inside, and the owner spoke czech randomly, so instant bonding moment!
We headed out to find the huge square where there were markets and snake charmers and the works, and after getting lost a few times we finally maed it and decded to sit down for some lunch. The place we found offered moroccan food and pizza.... but the couscous was really good and it was a great atmosphere. It was actually pretty hot so we sat outside and enjoyed the sun and the surroundings. After lunch we walked around the square a little, however this is very dangerous. People will come up to you and try to sell things and even give you something like a small henna tattoo and then charge you for it. You really have to keep guard or you will end up paying for a picture with a monkey, although that was totally worth it!
We hit up a couple of important things to check out, like the palaces (there were many) and a tomb site and an old Mosque and basically just enjoyed taking in the culture and the weather and the different surroundings from what we are used to.
After taking in most of the sights in Marrakech (did I forget to say we were in Marrakech? we were. my bad) So we found some other NYU students that were there and we went to see their hotel, which was basically the ritz compared to ours... which I forgot to tell you about...
So our RIad was really nice, and then we got to our room. It was on the roof, which was actually really cool but it made it really cold in the morning. We had three beds set on plywood in this room that contained the beds and 1 window and a light door that didn't lock and kept in no heat. The best part was the bathroom. a room with a door that closed and then there was a toliet, whith a door/piece of wood that closed half way. No sink. and the shower. the worst/most interesting part. It was, I guess a closet like thing that you had to climb into and it was a sauna room that they heated with a wood fire. Then there was a bucket that you would stand in and water came out of this pipe thing on the ceiling. It smelled awful and was really... gross. I didn't shower. I know thats disgusting. I don't want to talk about it.
So we met up with the NYU kids and hung out on their roof for a little while a couple of them tried to figure out the hookas they bought. Then we went to dinner at this really nice outside resturant that had picnic tables and the cooks were all right there. I had a chicken kebab and it was amazing! Plus the bread they serve is sooo good. its a round loaf of bread and comes with 2 kinds of chili sauce and some olives. sooo good!!! After dinner we went back to their roof and hung out until really late.
In the morning the three of us got on a train and took the 3 hour ride to Casablanca. The countryside was really beautiful to watch and I somehow managed to stay awake for most of the trip. Lots of sheep and cactuses (cacti?) and a completely different view than I have ever seen before. When we got to Casablanca, I was soooo excited. I am in LOVE with this place in my head because of the movie so to be there in person was so exciting. We bought a map and found a cab driver and were on our way. The cab driver offered us a tour of the city for 100 MAD each, which actually turned out to be the best decision we made. He took us to see everything in Casablanca that was worth seeing, and none of them were really within walking distance of eachother so this was perfect. and he stopped to let us take pictures and even took some family pictures for us. We saw the 2nd largest Mosque in the world, the hippodrome, important politials buildings, the american embassy, some rich neighborhoods and even Rick's Cafe- which was created from the movie!!!! (however it was way too expensive to eat at) Everything was so beautiful and I think I really liked Casablanca more than Marrakech. 2 Very different places.
After the tour we went to hang out on the rocky beach in the ocean and just admire the beauty and enjoy the warm weather and sun. It was perfect. We got the train back and got some dinner at another outdoor resturant. ALSO- there are these cookies they sell on the street that are SOOOOO good and I have no idea what they are but I want them every day of my life now. We went back to our Riad and sat in this area on the roof with couches and the walls made of carpet, and just bonded for a little (slash I fell alsleep and they bonded). In the morning I got up and went to do some shopping and try the amazing orange juice that they sell, which is the best orange juice I have ever had in my life. When I got back we had breakfast in the Riad, which was AMAZING crepes and bread and tea and orange juice.
and that was it. Spring break over and on a plane back to Praha. It was overall a really great spring break and I had a ton of fun. I loved the people I was traveling with and the places we went and the weather just made everything so much better. I loved spring break, but I also was glad to be back home in prague, even though crazyness ensued beginning the minute I returned. more on that in another post...
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