After Class I went to wait for my mother and Aunt who had gone on the free tour. When they got there, raving about their tour and the leader, named Justin. I saw Justin... and he was NOT who he said he was.
Explanation: Last time I took the tour we had Donnal as the tour leader. Very good and very recognizable. When my mother pointed out Justin, I decided that from afar he looked very simialr to Donnal, and when I saw him up close I realized that he WAS the same person. WHAT? So who was he exactly? By the almost end of the tour he asked if I was studying there and then said that I looked really familier and he recognized me from a past tour. Well I decided if we were getting personal that I might as well call him out, so I mentioned that I had been on the tour a couple weeks ago, but it was strange because it was with Donnal who he looked exactly like. The kid took it like a pro and told me about how he had lost his nametag and borrowed one. I decided that it was the perfect time to tell him I knew that they all told the same jokes and it wasn't that funny. We bonded a little, however I still have some questions about the tour so I'm gonna have to find him again and bring up my concerns. I don't want people having to suffer though a non-enjoyable tour. You are welcome once again New Europe Tours.
After the tour we walked acorss the charles bridge and had dinner at a cute little czech restaurace. NOTE- every time I speak Czech people know im not a czech person. The waiter kept laughing so I finally was like AHHH is my czech really that bad. he laughed. no other response. I knew that was bad. I told him I lived here and he was quite surprised. Well whatever mister what do you know anyway? besides the language i'm pretending to know.
The next day aka today was major tourist day: first stop was the communist TV tower with the babies on it by David Černý. It is so ugly, and the babies are cool and the view is pretty nice as well so it was an interesting thing to see. SUCKS that the commies put it up though...
After that was the typical Prague castle tour, going into the curch and the coutyards and the stairs. I don't know I have seen the castle so many times it's nothing new. Which is weird to say because it is really beautiful but there is only so many times you can be amazed by the same thing.
After that we saw the pissing statue-- yes thats what it is called. another David Černý design featuring two bronze men peeing and spelling words into a pool shaped liek the Czech Republic. AMAZING!
We also saw a ton of smaller Praguell sites that I have never seen before but always wanted an excuse to go see. these included the John Lennon wall- which was really cool
We went into the cubbist store and looked at the wallpaper, went to see the other David Černý design of St. Wenceslaus riding an upside down horse in Lucerna passage, and the cubbist lamppost randomly placed in a small courtyard next to a resturant with apparently very cute waiters, and then hit the tesco to get some stuff to make dinner.
We also stopped and saw the dancing house, Tančící dům, designed by Frank Ghery. It is actually a really cool shaped building. Afterwards
we went home and made chili and just hung around my apartment. It was a nice day except now I am sooo tired!
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